Basic Techniques in Markdown

2 minute read

This is my first post.

I am going to practice and introduce some basic techniques in Markdown. So, Let’s get started!!

Italics and Bold

  • To make the pharse italics in Markdown, you need to surround words with an underscore (_).

    For example:

    _The New England Journal of Medicine_


    The New England Journal of Medicine

  • To make the pharse bold in Markdown, one must surround words with two asterisks(**).

    For example:

    **The New England Journal of Medicine**


    The New England Journal of Medicine

  • To make headers in Markdown, you have to preface the phrase with a hash mark (#). The smaller size of the header you want, the fewer numbers of hash marks you place.

For example:

# This is header 1

## This is header 2

### This is header 3

#### This is header 4

##### This is header 5

###### This is header 6


This is header 1

This is header 2

This is header 3

This is header 4

This is header 5
This is header 6
  • To make links to other web sites on the world wide web, you wrap the link text in brackets ([]), and then you wrap the link in parenthesis (( )).

    For example:

    [Markdown 語法說明]( "Title")


    Markdown 語法說明

  • The syntax is nearly the same in creating images. The difference between links and images is that images are prefaced with an exclamation point ( ! ).

    For example:

    ![Lebron James](


    Lebron James


  • If you would like to refer the pharse from a celebrity, then Markdown’s blockquote syntax will be useful, just preface a line with the “greater than” caret (>).

    For example:

    > Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.


    Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.


  • To make an unordered list, preface each item in the list with an asterisk ( * ).

    For example:

    * Boy
    * Girl


    • Boy
    • Girl
  • To make an unordered list, preface each item in the list with a number ( 1. ).

    For example:

    1. Tomato
    2. Banana
    3. Pineapple


    1. Tomato
    2. Banana
    3. Pineapple
  • If you need to make a list with more depth, just indent each asterisk with one space.

    For example:

    * Tomato

      * Banana

        * Pineapple


  • Tomato

    • Banana
      • Pineapple


  • To create a check box, you need to preface words with (- [ ] or - [X]).

    For example:

    - [x] This is complete item

    - [ ] This is incomplete item


    • This is complete item

    • This is incomplete item
