Introduction to SQL I

1 minute read

Introduction to SQL I

SQL is a domain-specific programming language designed for managing data in a relational database management system(RDBMS), and is used by a huge number of apps and organizations. For more information, please click the following link: SQL_wiki

Nowadays, people who work as data scienctist and analyst, software developer and even web designer require to use SQL as a tool for sharing and managing data in RDBMS. This post aims to record my self-learning experience and share with people who would like to learnig some basic technics in SQL. So, Let’s get started.

  • About SQL

  SQL are compoesd of three parts

Data Definition Language (DDL)
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
Data Control Language (DCL)

Today, I will introduce the first part, DDL.

  • About Tables

Before we go through the Syntax of SQL, we whould have fundemantal understading about the Tables.

Data direction name also known as
horizontal Rows Observations
vertical Columns Variables

Important Syntax in DDL

  • remark: the syntax and function of SQL need to be all capitals. e.g. SELECT, FROM and DROP.
  • remark2: put the semicolon (;) in the end of statement.
  1. Create Statement
    • The create command is used to establish a new database, table, index, or stored procedure.

Syntax: CREATE DATABASE database-name
Example: CREATE DATABASE exerciseDB;

Syntax: CREATE TABLE table-name Example: CREATE TABLE exercise_table;

  1. Delete Statement
    • The DROP statement destroys an existing database, table, index, or view.

Syntax: DROP DATABASE database-name
Example: DROP DATABASE exerciseDB;

Syntax: DROP TABLE table-name
Example: DROP TABLE exercise_table;

  1. Alter Statement
    • The ALTER statement modifies an existing database object.

Syntax: ALTER DATABASE database-name
    MODIFY NAME = new_db;
Example: ALTER DATABASE exerciseDB
    MODIFY NAME = exerciseDB_new;

Syntax: ALTER TABLE table-name
    ADD COLUMN col_type;
Example: ALTER TABLE exercise_table

Syntax: ALTER TABLE table-name
    ADD PRIMARY KEY col_name;
Example: ALTER TABLE exercise_table
